AND (A&D) MC-6100S (6100g x 0.001g) 3-decimal Balance

Condition: New Brand new item from stock or on order from manufacturer
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Stock #:
USD $6192.00
Price valid in USA only and does not include accessories, shipping, and taxes, where applicable.
Product Description
~ Display resolution, one digit greater than a standard balance. This allows management of OIML class F1 weights.
~ Capable of weighing small amounts of powdery or liquid material, even with a massive tare.
~ When used as a mass comparator, the balance can achieve even more precise weighing, by using the optional auto-centering
For management of masses in the OIML Class F1 or below
Mass Comparator Kit (Highly Recommended Accessories)
The auto-centering pan realizes mass comparison with higher accuracy by correcting eccentric loadings.
AD-8922A (Remote Controller)
The AD-8922A enables operations without directly touching the balance, which prevents vibration.
Equipped with an internal mass for simplified calibration of the balance
Enhanced function settings to lessen errors due to drafts or vibrations
Mass comparator kit available to ensure higher accuracy
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This item ships from Canada.


AX-MC10K-30KPAN Auto-centering pan
GX-02 Quick USB (Uni-Directional) cable
GX-04 Comparator Output: Factory installed
GX-06 Analog Output: Factory installed only
GX-12 Animal Weighing Pan
GX-13 Density Determination Kit MC-1000
AD-8922A Remote Controller
AD-1672 Table Top Breeze Break - 27x28.5x24")
AD-1682 External Rechargable Battery Pack
AD-1683 External Static Eliminator
AD-1689 Electorstatic Field Meter
AD-8121B Mulit Function Printer
SW:128 Foot Switch
KO:WW9-25 RS232C cable (25P-9P) 2m
TB:648 AC Adapter (120v/220V)
AX-USB-2920-25P USB to 25P RS232 6ft
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Analytical Instruments / Chemistry lab apparatus
chromatographs, calorimeters, evaporators, fluorometers, hydrogenators, osmometers, polarimeters, spectrophotometers, titrators, meters for pH / conductivity / dissolved solids / ORP ... and much more...

Biology / Microbiology laboratory apparatus
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General Use laboratory apparatus
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Medical / Clinical laboratory apparatus
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Petroleum Products and Biofuel lab apparatus
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Pharmaceutical laboratory apparatus
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Materials Testing / Physical Properties / Metallurgical lab apparatus
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