SRI 310 Multi-detector Gas Chromatograph

Condition: New Brand new item from stock or on order from manufacturer
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Dimensions (approx.):
18 in.W x 12 in.D x 12.5 in.H (outside)
110 or 220 Volts,
Product Description
The SRI 310 portable gas chromatograph is Multi-detector system and can accommodate 1-4 detectors, depending on your combination. There are 9 specific detectors available for the Buck 310 GC.

Price is for base unit, without detector(s). Below are various detectors - add prices of desired detectors.

Designed to be durable and portable, the compact 310-series is ideal for operation in the field, E.P.A. and A.S.T.M. methods can be easily performed on-site, even in adverse field environments. A GC with the versatility to meet your lab's specific needs. The unique architecture of the Buck GC systems allow various detector and injector combinations, so each GC can be configured to meet your specific lab requirements.

Automated Analyses let the GC do the work so you don't have to. The Buck 310 offers total control of application parameters using PeakSimple software.
PeakSimple allows unlimited temperature programming, electronic pressure control, carrier gas pressure, gas valve position, gas solenoid actuation, autosampler control and other options. Just program your application parameters into the computer and let the 310 do the rest.
Over 12 different detector options to choose from for optimal measurement results
There are Nine (9) specific detectors available for the Buck 310-series GC systems. The Multi-detector 310-GC can accommodate up to 3 of these assorted detectors, either in series (from non-destructive to destructive) or in parallel (using a split stream)

Detectors (add price per detector to base price above, choose up to 3):
1) TCD (Thermal Conductivity Detector) - A 'universal' detector able to measure almost ALL molecules; inorganic and permanent gases as well as organic vapors. Operates below 275oC, and gives a typical DL of ~250PPM, with linearity to ~100% for most species. A good nondestructive detector for general Organic and Analytical testing, it is also used for Combustion Gas and Stack Gas testing, Atmospheric monitoring, and bulk measurements. Helium is the recommended carrier.
2) FID (Flame Ionization Detector) - Commonly used for Organic analyses, it is specific for Hydrocarbon species with a working range from ~10PPM to 10% for C1-C10 compounds. It has a high temperature range, over 400oC, and can be interfaced with add-on detectors for selective-species measurements. Solvent and material characterization, environmental samples, TPH and petroleum analyses are primary applications. Air & Hydrogen are support gases, using Helium for a carrier gas.
3) DELCD (Dry Electro-Lytic Conductivity Detector) - This detector, with FID, is ideal for environmental applications where Halogenated Hydrocarbons and Pesticides can be easily differentiated from Solvent matrix backgrounds. Cleaner and more linear response of DELCD compared to ECD still gives sensitivities in the 10PPB range; and meets most EPA specifications for the 600- and 8000-series methods. Works best using Helium for a carrier, with Air & Hydrogen as supplemental gases.
4) HID (Helium Ionization Detector) - Provides 'universal' detection; and is non-destructive, similar to TCD; for gaseous species with an Ionization Potential below that of Helium. Less expensive than similar detectors; it provides DLs of ~1-10PPM for most gases. Suited for special tests; such as Transformer Oil Gases, Road Bed Emissions and other non-Organic vapor measurement. High-quality Helium is required as Carrier.
5) NPD (Nitrogen Phosphorus Detector) - Designed for Agricultural and Drug testing, this modified Thermionic Bead Detector responds to Nitrogen-bearing compounds to concentrations of ~100PPB or lower; with Phosphorus-containing materials detectable at ~500PPB. As part of an FID assembly, it needs the Air-Hydrogen jet to burn the eluting 'peak' with a Helium carrier.
6) ECD (Electron Capture Detector) - Originally designed for single PPB level detection of Chlorinated organic compounds, it requires a special carrier gas of Argon-Methane and low-bleed columns for optimal results Still the most sensitive detector available for the environmental monitoring of Halocarbons and Pesticides, with 1-5PPB detection limits. Usually run independent of other detectors.
7) PID (Photo-Ionization Detector) - A high-intensity 'UV' source, the 10.6eV Krypton Lamp generates powerful energy to 'excite' UNSATURATED organic; such as Aromatics, Olefins, Ketones and Esters. The low 10-50PPB DLs for the Aromatic compounds make it ideal for environmental testing for BTEX, PAH and PNA species. Non-destructive measurements make it ideal for use with an FID/combo detector.
8) FPD (Flame Photometric Detector) - Employs either a single- or double-phototube detector that 'sees' the light from burning Sulfur or / and Phosphorus compounds. Crucial for Stack and Combustion Gas testing,Natural Gas, refined Hydrocarbons and even Pesticide materials. Superior detection limits in the 1-10PPB range are achieved with advance electronics and proprietary optical designs. Uses a rich Hydrogen flame, often used in conjunction with FID and with a Helium carrier gas.
9) CCD (Catalytic Combustion Detector) - A unique and economical alternative to the FID for the detection of hydrocarbon compounds has a typical detection limit of about 500 ppm when run with a helium carrier. The CCD can also run at lower temperatures (less than 200) when run on air to make a truly self-contained GC.
Note: Many of these detectors can be, and often should be combined to maximize the usefulness of the Buck GC. Packages such as FID-DELCD, TCD-FID, PID-FID- DELCD, NPD-DELCD, FID-FPD. Call for specific application help on your
The following link provides additional information from the manufacturer's brochure. Click to open the PDF in a new window or right-click to download it:
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This item ships from United States.


Model 310 chassis
ambient to 400°C column oven
On-column injector with carrier EPC
single channel PeakSimple data system
accessory kit

specify to to 4 detectors
injector upgrade
Gas Line Installation Kit for each gas required
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