SRI 8610 Multi-detector Gas Chromatograph

Condition: New Brand new item from stock or on order from manufacturer
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Dimensions (approx.):
18 in.W x 14 in.D x 13 in.H (outside)
110 or 220 Volts,
Product Description
The SRI Model 8610C Gas Chromatograph is Multi-detector system and can accommodate multiple injectors and detectors.

The price is for the 8610 GC Mainframe, 6 Channel USB data system, Chassis only (no detectors, valves, etc.). Options & Upgrades include additional detectors, Split/Splitless injector, gas sampling valve, autosampler

- Mount up to six detectors and five injectors
- Ambient to 400°C temperature programmable column oven
- Dimensions: 19" wide x 13.5" high x 14.5" deep
- Implement virtually any EPA or ASTM method

The Model 8610C gas chromatograph is our most versatile and popular model. While it is very compact next to comparable laboratory GCs from other manufacturers, it is large enough and flexible enough to perform an amazing variety of applications.

The 8610C can control up to 16 heated zones, three gas sampling valves, and seven EPC gas pressures. Up to six detectors, from a choice of 16, can be mounted simultaneously.

The 8610C column oven is temperature programmable from ambient to 400°C with unlimited ramps and holds, and fast cool-down. This airbath oven can hold a standard 7-inch diameter megabore column cage, or multiple columns with smaller coil sizes.

In the lab, the SRI 8610-series GCs perform routine industrial analyses and complicated research separations easily, generating accurate and reproducible results. The unique architecture of the SRI GC systems allow various detector and injector combinations, so each GC can be configured to implement virtually any EPA or ASTM method while remaining small enough to ship via FedEx and UPS, or even check as checked airline baggage.

Standard equipment:
Model 8610C chassis; ambient to 400°C column oven; On-column injector with carrier EPC; single channel PeakSimple data system; "at-a-glance" display of temperatures, pressures, voltages, and detector parameters; operator's manual; accessory kit; and a heavy duty reusable shipping container.

SRI Instruments makes 16 detector types for installation on the chassis of your choice.

Below are various detectors - inquire for prices of desired detectors.
1) TCD (Thermal Conductivity Detector) - Universal detector; because it detects all molecules, the Thermal Conductivity Detector is commonly used for fixed gas analysis (O2, N2, CO, CO2, H2S, NO, etc.) where the target analytes do not respond well on other, more sensitive detectors. Detects from 100% down to 100-300 ppm.
2) FID (Flame Ionization Detector) - Commonly used for Organic analyses, it is hydrocarbon selective. Detects down to 1ppm. Unique ceramic ignitor can run hot continuously to keep flame lit.
3) DELCD (Dry Electro-Lytic Conductivity Detector) - Non-radioactive alternative to ECD. High sensitivity_detects down to 1 ppb. Selective to chlorinated and brominated molecules. Can be combined with FID, NPD or TID detectors. Useful for low-level detection of chlorinated and brominated solvents in environmental samples and other trace analyses.
4) HID (Helium Ionization Detector) - Universal detector which responds to all molecules except neon. Detect from 1-2 % down to 10 ppm. Requires only helium carrier and make-up gas.
5) NPD (Nitrogen Phosphorus Detector) - Very Selective to Nitrogen and Phophorus. Detects down to 100ppb.
6) ECD (Electron Capture Detector) - Thermostatted from ambient to 375°C. Offers extreme sensitivity_down to 10 ppt. Detects electronegative compounds. Mandated for pesticides and PCBs.
7) PID (Photo-Ionization Detector) - Responds to molecules with carbon double bonds and aromatics. Sensitive (down to 10 ppb) and non-destructive. Mandated in several EPA methods.
8) FPD (Flame Photometric Detector) - Bandpass filter for sulfur or phosphorus. Detects sulfur compounds to 200 ppb, phosphorus compounds down to 10 ppb.
9) CCD (Catalytic Combustion Detector) - About as sensitive as a TCD, the CCD has the the hydrocarbon and hydrogen selectivity of an FID, plus the ability to operate on air alone. Detects down to 500ppm.
Note: Many of these detectors can be, and often should be combined to maximize the usefulness of the SRI GC. Packages such as FID-DELCD, TCD-FID, PID-FID- DELCD, NPD-DELCD, FID-FPD. Call for specific application help on your application.
10) FPD/FID Simultaneous Detector - Will detect the hydrocarbon peaks at the same time the PMTs are responding to the sulfur and phosphorus compounds.
The following link provides additional information from the manufacturer's brochure. Click to open the PDF in a new window or right-click to download it:
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This item ships from United States.


Model 8610 chassis
ambient to 400°C column oven
On-column injector with carrier EPC
single channel PeakSimple data system
accessory kit

specify to to 6 detectors
Gas Line Installation Kit for each gas required
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