Koehler Instrument K29400 / K29490 Evaporation Loss Test Apparatus

Condition: New Brand new item from stock or on order from manufacturer
Stock #:
Dimensions (approx.):
33 in.W x 25.5 in.H (outside)
specify 115 or 230 Volts, 50/60 Hz,
Product Description
Evaluates the potential for evaporation loss of lubricant components in high temperature service. A controlled flow of heated air is passed over the sample for a specified period. Evaporation loss is measured by the change in sample weight during the test. The Evaporation Loss test can also be used for Estimating Apparent Vapor Pressures and Molecular Weights of Lubricating Oils (ASTM D2878). A high temperature version of the Evaporation Loss test is available (See ASTM D2595).

~ Two-sample testing capability

Evaporation Cell - Suitable for evaporation loss tests on lubricating greases and oils in the temperature range of 210 to 300°F (99 to 149°C). Passes heated air over the sample at the required flow rate. Consists of stainless steel body, cover, eduction tube and hood. Calibrated flowmeter with needle valve maintains 2L/min. air flow at standard temperature and pressure. Supplied with stainless steel grease or oil sample cup. Sample cups are interchangeable. Entire assembly mounts in Evaporation Loss Test Bath.

Evaporation Loss Test Bath _ Constant temperature oil bath mounts two Evaporation Cells in an upright position at the proper immersion level. Maintains test temperature within ±1F (±0.5°C). Microprocessor PID control provides quick temperature stabilization without overshoot and the bath is protected by an overtemperature control circuit that interrupts power should bath temperature exceed a programmed cut-off point. Dual LED displays provide actual and setpoint temperature values in °C/°F format. Communications software (RS232, etc.), ramp-to-set and other enhanced features are available as extra cost options. Contact Labequip, your authorized Koehler representative for information. Fully insulated, double-wall construction, with stainless steel tank and polyurethane-finished steel exterior.

*Also available-special bath to accommodate both ASTM D972 and D942 (Oxidation Stability of Greases K10901) test methods.

~ Capacity: 2 oil or grease samples
~ Maximum Temperature: 350°F (177°C)
~ Temperature Control Stability: ±1°F (± 0.5°C)
~ Circulation: 1/20hp stainless steel impeller
~ Bath Medium: 5.3 gal (20L) high temperature transfer fluid
The following link provides additional information from the manufacturer's brochure. Click to open the PDF in a new window or right-click to download it:
Koehler K29400 / K29490 Evaporation Loss Test Apparatus or copy the following into your browser address window: labequip.com/stock/pictures/n1181.pdf
This item ships from United States.


Support Clamps (2)
Thermometer Holder

K29500 Evaporation Test Cell with Grease Cup
K29550 Evaporation Test Cell with Oil Cup
250-000-22F ASTM 22F Thermometer- Range: 204 to 218F
250-000-22C ASTM 22C Thermometer- Range: 95 to 103C
250-000-67F ASTM 67F Thermometer- Range: 203 to 311F
250-000-67C ASTM 67C Thermometer- Range: 95 to 155C
K29530 Oil Sample Cup with Hood
K29540 Grease Sample Cup with Hood
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