Koehler Instrument K46100 / K46195 Cloud and Pour Point Tester for Petroleum

Condition: New Brand new item from stock or on order from manufacturer
Stock #:
Dimensions (approx.):
30 x 28 x 35 in.H (outside)
115 Volts, 50/60 Hz, 12.2A
Product Description
The Koehler K46100 cloud point and pour point tester measures cloud point and pour point - indicators of the lowest temperature of utility for petroleum products. The sample is periodically examined while it is being cooled in the cloud and pour point apparatus. The highest temperature at which haziness is observed (cloud point), or the lowest temperature at which movement of the oil is observed (pour point), is reported as the test result.

Bench model with (3) four-jacket mechanically refrigerated baths, each factory preset at a different temperature for convenient cloud and pour point testing (set at +32, 0 and -27°F (0, -18 and -33°C)).

Order test jars and thermometers separately. Each bath has a phenolic top plate with ports for thermometer and four copper test jackets. Synthetic sponge covers over each top plate and gasketed hoods over each bath prevent excessive ice accumulation around the test jackets. Cascade hermetic refrigeration system provides reliable long term service. Bath interior and cabinet are constructed entirely of stainless steel. Supplied with test jackets, gaskets, disks, and thermometer holders for test jars and cooling baths.
The following link provides additional information from the manufacturer's brochure. Click to open the PDF in a new window or right-click to download it:
Koehler K46100 / K46195 Cloud and Pour-Point for Petroleum or copy the following into your browser address window: labequip.com/stock/pictures/n625.pdf


This item ships from United States.


Optional accessories available at additional cost:
332-004-001 Test Jar - Clear, flat bottom jar with sample height graduation
250-000-05F ASTM 5F Thermometer, range-36 to +120°F
250-000-05C ASTM 5C Thermometer, range: -38 to +50°C
250-000-06F ASTM 6F Thermometer, range:-112 to +70°F
250-000-06C ASTM 6C Thermometer, range: -80 to +20°C
K46120 Cork Disk
K46130 Foam Sponge Disc
AS568-219 Gasket, for test jar
K460-0-8 Thermometer Holder, for test jar
K460-1-7B Copper Jacket
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