Koehler Instrument K47910 EDX2000 EDXRF Elemental Analyzer

Condition: New Brand new item from stock or on order from manufacturer
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Stock #:
Dimensions (approx.):
13 in.W x 17 in.D x 14.8 in.H (outside)
100-240 Volts, 50/60 Hz,
Product Description
For the determination of total sulfur in petroleum and petroleum products that are single-phase. These materials can include diesel fuel, jet fuel, kerosene, other distillate oil, naphtha, residual oil, lubricating base oil, hydraulic oil, crude oil, unleaded gasoline, gasohol, and similar petroleum products.

Also, for the determination of the total lead content of a gasoline.

The EDX2000 Elemental Analyzer (K47910 EDXRF) can analyze a large array of elements from 11Na to 92U in solids, liquids, alloys, powders and thin films. The Plus model features a Silicon Drift Detector which delivers exceptional short-term repeatability and long-term reproducibility with excellent element peak resolution. Also, the K47901 features a modern smartphone style 'icon-driven' user interface and built-in thermal printer. Network connections enable LIMS connectivity.

Training and Installation On Site by a Koehler Representative is an additional cost.

~ Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis
~ Normalization and Validation Feature
~ Fundamental Parameters
~ Data Export Function with LIMS compatibility
~ User Selectable Shaping Times
~ Simple Flow Bar Wizard to create new applications
~ Icon Driven Graphical User Interface
~ Password Protection

50 kV X-Ray Tube
4W Maximum Power
6 Tube Filter Positions with Optics
Spill/Contamination Protection
High Performance Silicon Drift Semiconductor Detector
Peltier Thermo-Electric Cooling
High Spectral Resolution and Count Rate
Detection Limits (LLD):
Sulfur: 2 ppm in Air (1.3 ppm in He)
Nickel: 1.5 ppm
Vanadium: 0.6 ppm
Lead: 0.0003 g/L
Sample Chamber:
Large 190 x 165 x 60 mm sample chamber
Single Position 32 mm sample aperture
Single Position 40 mm sample aperture
Bulk Sample Aperture
User Interface:
8 in. WVGA Touch Screen Interface
Embedded Computer
Internal Thermal Printer
USB & Ethernet Connections
Environmental Conditions:
Ambient Temperatures 10 - 35°C (50 - 95°F)
Relative Humidity below 85% non-condensing
Vibration undetectable by human
Free from corrosive gas, dust, and particles
The following link provides additional information from the manufacturer's brochure. Click to open the PDF in a new window or right-click to download it:
Koehler K47910 EDX2000 EDXRF Elemental Analyzer or copy the following into your browser address window: labequip.com/stock/pictures/n1378.pdf
This item ships from United States.


Optional accessories available at additional cost:
K47900-1 6 Position 32 mm Automatic Sample Changer
K47900-2 5 Position 40 mm Automatic Sample Changer
K47900-3 Helium Purge Option
K47900-4 2-Stage Helium Regulator
K23462 Digital Stopwatch
355-001-001 White Mineral Oil, 1 Gallon
355-001-003 White Mineral Oil, 5 Gallon
250-000-120C ASTM 120C Thermometer, 40°C Test Temp
250-000-121C ASTM 121C Thermometer, 100°C Test Temp
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