Koehler Instrument K70010/24 Chart Recorder for RPVOT (RBOT) Oxidation Stability Bath

Condition: New Brand new item from stock or on order from manufacturer
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Product Description
Pressure Recorder: records pressure inside oxidation bomb on 24-hour charts. Range 0 to 200 psi, accurate to within 2% of scale range, 24-hour spring wound chart movement. Housed in a finished metal case. Includes cartridge pen. 1 recorder is required per bomb position. For example, if ordering K70300, you would require THREE of these chart recorders.
Requires chart paper #308-000-004 (pack of 60)
The following link provides additional information from the manufacturer's brochure. Click to open the PDF in a new window or right-click to download it:
Koehler K70010/24 Chart Recorder Oxidation Stability or copy the following into your browser address window: labequip.com/stock/pictures/n885b.pdf
This item ships from United States.
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