Koehler Instrument K70503-XP / 70593-XP Oxidata Software for RPVOT (RBOT) Oxidation Stability Bath

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Product Description
The Koehler K70503 Oxidata Data Acquisition Software Package is available for measuring and recording test data. Either stock #N885A (software) or N885B (chart recorder) is required with the K70300 / K70390 oxidation bath. The software is highly recommended over the chart recorder option

Oxidata is an advanced data acquisition system used to measure test data in real-time for fuel and lubricant ASTM oxidation tests. The system features pressure measurement transducers coupled with a sophisticated Windows-based software package for acquiring pressure and temperature versus time data to a high degree of accuracy and precision. Oxidata monitors up to twelve samples simultaneously with a graphical display of the test results. An active zoom, pan, and trace option provides the ability to view the test results with closer scrutiny both during and after the data acquisition process. For ultimate user flexibility, each pressure channel can be independently configured for any of the applicable ASTM standard test methods or a user-defined test method without compromising either the independent start/stop capability or the accuracy of the other channels.

Oxidata software features an easy-to-navigate operation and a straightforward user interface. The 'test intelligent software' simplifies the testing process by providing sequential test prompts for assisting the operator with each step of the test procedure. It also includes an additional timer/stopwatch available for any purpose. For each test, the user name, sample name and identification, and test type are recorded. The test data is acquired in user specified time intervals, plotted on screen in real-time, and can be automatically saved to the hard drive during the test to prevent any loss of valuable data. The software features multiple display options which include the ability to view the status of all twelve pressure channels simultaneously, to display the complete graph of any one channel, or to simultaneously view four channels in graphical format. In addition to data acquisition, the PID temperature controller located on the Koehler oxidation bath can be fully controlled through the software, including setting the bath temperature, temperature calibration, °C/°F toggle, and recording the temperature data versus time in graphical format. The active zoom, pan, and trace feature allows the ability to change axes and the magnification of any plot sector on any pressure or temperature channel to view data in greater detail. The final test data is exported with graphs and test parameters either directly to Microsoft Excel, in ASCII file format for use with LIMS or any other spreadsheet programs, or directly to a printer with a test report according to ISO guidelines. Test data is saved in a database format and can be analyzed again at any future time. This feature also provides reprocessing of data acquired with previous versions of the Oxidata software package and it's easy to upgrade from the previous versions.

Each Oxidata package requires no PC hardware installation. Systems are available in two, three and four pressure vessel configurations. Additional channels can be added for up to a total of twelve pressure channels and four temperature channels.

Oxidata Features and Specifications
On-screen, real-time monitoring of up to twelve samples simultaneously
Test results directly plotted on-screen for instant monitoring or print out of results
Menu options for fuel, oil, and grease ASTM oxidation tests including D525, D942, D2112 and D2272 (RPVOT - formerly RBOT), and D4742 (TFOUT)
Programmable automatic end-point detection with graphical representation for customizing test methods
Each channel can be independently configured and operated with different start/stop times and ASTM test methods
Zoom, pan, and trace feature allows for magnification of any plot area on any channel for a more detailed study
Monitors and reports temperatures of as many as four baths simultaneously using accessory RTD probes, and calculates and displays average temperature for each bath
Exports test data with graphs and test parameters directly to Microsoft Excel or in ASCII file format for use with LIMS or any other spreadsheet programs
Temperature and pressure calibration utility included in software package
Data can be routinely saved directly to the hard drive during testing to prevent loss of valuable data
Operates in Windows 2000 or higher
Easy to upgrade from existing Koehler Oxidata systems

~ Rotary pressure transducers (connects directly to bomb)
~ Data acquisition box with USB connector
~ Oxidata software
~ Multiplexer
~ RTD probe assembly
~ Mounting bracket
~ Connecting cables and hardware

Processor: Intel Pentium II or similar (minimum)
Memory (RAM): 256MB or higher
Speed: 500 MHz or higher
Windows 2000 or higher
Disk Space: 15 MB free space (minimum)
Communications Port: One USB port
Other Software: Microsoft Excel (97 or above)
One RS232 port for temperature controller (optional)
This item ships from United States.
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