Koehler Instrument K80030 Conradson Carbon Residue Tester for Petroleum

Condition: New Brand new item from stock or on order from manufacturer
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Product Description
Test Method: Provides an indication of relative coke forming properties of petroleum oils. The residue remaining after a specified period of evaporation and pyrolysis is calculated as a percentage of the original sample.
Features and Benefits
~ Conforms to ASTM D189 specifications

A weighed quantity of sample is placed in a crucible and heated to a high temperature for a fixed period. The crucible and the carbonaceous residue is cooled in a desiccator and weighed. The residue remaining is calculated as a percentage of the original sample and reported as conradson carbon residue.

The burner that comes with this is not recommended for propane so be sure to order K80039-LPG High Temperature Burner LPG as well where propane will be used.
The following link provides additional information from the manufacturer's brochure. Click to open the PDF in a new window or right-click to download it:
Koehler K80030 Conradson Carbon Residue Tester or copy the following into your browser address window: labequip.com/stock/pictures/n938.pdf
This item ships from United States.


Porcelain Crucible
Skidmore Crucible, with Iron Cover
Iron Crucible, with Cover
Iron Hood, with Bridge
Refractory Block
Nickel-Chrome Triangle Wire Support

K80031 Porcelain Crucible
K80032 Skidmore Crucible, with Iron Cover
K80033 Iron Crucible, with cover
K80034 Iron Hood, with bridge
K80034-WT Nickel-Chrome Triangle Wire Support
K80035 Refractory Block
K80036 Tripod
K80039 Burner
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