Koehler Instrument K90100 / K90190 Automatic Melting Point Apparatus

Condition: New Brand new item from stock or on order from manufacturer
Stock #:
Dimensions (approx.):
6.5 x 12.25 x 13"H main unit (outside)
specify: 115 or 230 Volts,
Product Description
The melting point of a crystalline solid is the temperature at which the solid to liquid phase transition occurs, referenced at one atmosphere (1 ATM) of pressure.

The Automatic Melting Point Apparatus is the latest technology for microprocessor-based determinations of melting point ranges of crystalline, powdered and polymeric materials, and is used to assess sample purity. Requires approximately 5mg of sample spread uniformly on a glass slide, covered with a glass coverslip. The slide is placed on a uniformly heated, round furnace and subjected to a heating profile as required by the user. Precise temperature control gives reproducible results to within 1%. The unit contains an automatic temperature safety cut-off feature if no melting points are detected 15°C above the expected melting point or if the oven reaches 315°C. The melting process is magnified, recorded, and viewed on-screen in real-time by a CCD camera. The change in physical appearance of the sample with respect to temperature is recorded, and the start/end of melting is observed automatically. A representation of the entire process can be printed out in graphical form for validation.

~ Conforms to BP Appendix 5 - Method 6 and GLP specifications
~ Readily interchanged between automatic and manual detection of melting point ranges
~ Intelligent Lamp Intensity Control with Soft Start
~ Storage capacity for up to 20 sample tests
~ User-interactive software and data entry, including easy alphanumeric entry of sample name, ID number, and date
~ User selectable operating modes:
~ AUTO detection mode: Start/end of melting point range is automatically detected by a photosensing infrared device. The melting process is recorded and viewed on-screen in real-time by a CCD camera.
~ MANUAL detection mode: Start/end of melting point range can be selected manually with a key-press by user. Sample melting point can be determined as per BP method by 'Heat & Cool' temperature function.
~ As above, the melting process is recorded and viewed on-screen in real-time by a CCD camera.

Conforms to the specifications of: BP Appendix 5-Method 6; GLP
Visual Image: 10x magnified displayed on monitor
Temperature Range: ambient + 5 to 315°C
Heating Rates: 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 6.0, 12.0°C/min
Temperature Readability: 0.1°C
Cooling Time: 20 minutes (300°C to ambient)
Temperature Accuracy:
~ ±0.5°C (ambient + 5 to 200°C)
~ ±0.8°C (200 to 315°C)
Sample size: 5 mg (approximately)
Sample Holder: Glass Slide ?1mm ±0.02mm thick
Sample Cover: Glass Coverslip ±0.17mm thick
Temperature Sensor: Pt-100 (2 wire RTD)
Test Storage: Up to 20 tests with parameters
The following link provides additional information from the manufacturer's brochure. Click to open the PDF in a new window or right-click to download it:
Koehler K90100 / K90190 Automatic Melting Point Apparatus or copy the following into your browser address window: labequip.com/stock/pictures/n1807.pdf
This item ships from United States.


K90100-1 Glass slides (pack of 500)
K90100-2 Cover slips (pack of 1000)
K90100-3 Sampling jig
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