Labtech H50-500 Circulating Chiller / Cooler

Condition: New Brand new item from stock or on order from manufacturer
Stock #:
USD $2285.00
Price valid in USA only and does not include accessories, shipping, and taxes, where applicable.
Dimensions (approx.):
18 x 8 x 19 in.H (outside)
specify 120 or 230V Volts,
Product Description
Recommended for use with Rotary Evaporators, this state-of-the-art water chiller ensures accurate and constant cooling conditions for instrumentation in the harsh environment of the laboratory. With the PID temperature control technique, the H series water recirculating chillers have better temperature control, greater energy efficiency, and longer compressor life time with cooling capacities up to 500W.

~ High Energy Efficiency - 'Hot gas bypass' technology routes back the hot, uncondensed refrigerant through a reservoir coil, thus eliminating on/off cycling of compressors and the addition of energy-wasting heaters. This method ensures better temperature control and greater energy efficiency.
~ Accurate Temperature Control - P.I.D. is a dynamic temperature control technique through proportional, integrative and differential control.
~ High Quality and Long Lifespan - Reliable components and top materials evaluated by the strict quality control procedure make LabTech chillers more solid and durable.
~ High Performance and Quiet Operation - LabTech chillers, ensure quiet operations and low water consumption while providing rapid and powerful cooling ability.
~ Operation Safety and Environmental Friendly - Intelligent alarm functions ensure safe working condition for your instruments. The refrigerant of CFC-free R134A cryogen is compatible with international environmental standards.
~ Best Quality/Price Ratio in the Market

Temp. Range: -5 to 35°C
Temp. Stability: ±0.3°C
Temp. Control Mode: PID
Cooling Capacity: 500W
Pump Flow: 3.5L/min
Pump Power: 25W
Heat Exchanged Mode: BOARD
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This item ships from United States.
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Analytical Instruments / Chemistry lab apparatus
chromatographs, calorimeters, evaporators, fluorometers, hydrogenators, osmometers, polarimeters, spectrophotometers, titrators, meters for pH / conductivity / dissolved solids / ORP ... and much more...

Biology / Microbiology laboratory apparatus
bioreactors, cell disrupters, cell harvesters, cryostats, digesters, freeze-dryers / lyophilizers, growth chambers, homogenizers, hybridization, incubators, microscopes, osmometers, spiral platers, sterilizers ... and much more ...

General Use laboratory apparatus
balances, baths, blenders, centrifuges, chart recorders, freezers, fume hoods, furnaces, glassware washers, glove boxes, mixers, moisture testing, ovens, pumps, shakers, vacuum equipment, water purification ... and much more ...

Medical / Clinical laboratory apparatus
anaerobic incubators, autoclaves, blood testing, cell counters, CO2 incubators, cryostats, electrolyte analyzers, electrophoresis, glove boxes, microtomes, sterilizers, ... and much more ...

Petroleum Products and Biofuel lab apparatus
baths, calorimeters, color measurement, density meters, flash point, hydrogenators, oil testing, penetrometers, surface tension, vapor pressure, viscometers and rheometers, ... and much more ...

Pharmaceutical laboratory apparatus
stability chambers, tablet disintegration, tablet dissolution, tablet hardness, V-blenders, ... and much more ...

Materials Testing / Physical Properties / Metallurgical lab apparatus
abrasion, color measurement, environmental chambers, gloss / reflectance, hardness, impact testers, melt point, particle size, paint testers, penetrometers, sieve shakers, tensile strength, viscometers ... and much more ...