LW Scientific (LWS) i4 Darkfield Trinocular Microscope

Condition: New Brand new item from stock or on order from manufacturer
Alternate Names:
Compound Microscope
Stock #:
USD $2646.00
Price valid in USA only and does not include accessories, shipping, and taxes, where applicable.
Dimensions (approx.):
15 x 8.5 x 16 in.H (outside)
Product Description
The i4 trinocular microscope features exceptional optical quality and expandability for top-notch performance in the lab. Use the rotating head to adjust the height for taller users. Infinity Plan optics with a 30-year anti-fungal coating match quality with value within any clinic's budget. The i4 microscope provides comfort, durability, dependability and superior imaging for the lifetime of the laboratory. Medical-Grade Microscope.
Accessories include: blue and green filters, dust cover, immersion oil and manual. Anti-fungal, parfocal, parcentric, color-coded infinity Plan objectives 4X, 10X, 40XR, 100XR (oil).

Darkfield microscopy uses refracted light to make live, unstained specimens appear with bright contrast against a dark background. By blocking the center of the brightfield of light and not allowing direct rays to enter the objective, only the outer oblique rays of light strike the specimen. Put 2 drops of immersion oil onto the top of the OIL condenser and raise it until the oil contacts the underside of the slide for the sharpest darkfield imaging_much sharper than any DRY darkfield condenser. Remember, darkfield will not work with a standard 100x objective because of the high numerical aperture, but the optional 100x Darkfield objective features a built-in IRIS for easy darkfield viewing.

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This item ships from United States.


OIL Darkfield Condenser

10X/18mm WF Eyepiece (no pointer) 23mm tube size
10X/20mm super wide eyepiece, 23mm tube size
Eyeguard; rubber; EACH; fits MSE-1020-2377 10x/20 eyepieces
I4 10x/ 18 Eyepiece with reticle installed, 23mm tube, tapered shape
4x Infinity Semi-Plan Objective
10x Infinity Semi-Plan Objective
40x Infinity Semi-Plan Objective - WD 0.43 mm
100x Infinity Semi-Plan Oil Objective
Infinity SemiPlan Objectives Set for I4
4x Infinity Plan Objective
10x Infinity Plan Objective
20X Infinity Plan Objective
40x Infinity Plan Objective - WD 0.7 mm (best for hemacytometer)
50x Infinity Plan Oil Objective
60x Infinity PLAN Dry Objective
100x Infinity Plan OIL Objective
100x Infinity Plan DRY Objective
Universal hard carry case, black, wheels, waterproof Infinity Turret Phase Kit: 10x, 20x, 40x, 100x, Brightfield, Darkfield
100x Darkfield Objective - Infinity PLAN for i4
Simple Polarizer attachment for i4
GOUT KIT; Simple Pol Kit plus Red Compensating Lens
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Analytical Instruments / Chemistry lab apparatus
chromatographs, calorimeters, evaporators, fluorometers, hydrogenators, osmometers, polarimeters, spectrophotometers, titrators, meters for pH / conductivity / dissolved solids / ORP ... and much more...

Biology / Microbiology laboratory apparatus
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General Use laboratory apparatus
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Medical / Clinical laboratory apparatus
anaerobic incubators, autoclaves, blood testing, cell counters, CO2 incubators, cryostats, electrolyte analyzers, electrophoresis, glove boxes, microtomes, sterilizers, ... and much more ...

Petroleum Products and Biofuel lab apparatus
baths, calorimeters, color measurement, density meters, flash point, hydrogenators, oil testing, penetrometers, surface tension, vapor pressure, viscometers and rheometers, ... and much more ...

Pharmaceutical laboratory apparatus
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Materials Testing / Physical Properties / Metallurgical lab apparatus
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