LW Scientific (LWS) Lumin i-4 Fluorescence Microscope

Condition: New Brand new item from stock or on order from manufacturer
Alternate Names:
Compound Microscope
Stock #:
USD $4457.00
Price valid in USA only and does not include accessories, shipping, and taxes, where applicable.
Product Description
With integrated LED technology for both brightfield and epifluorescence microscopy, the Lumin i4 offers superior clarity and crisp imaging - all at a price that allows even labs on a limited budget to benefit from the latest technological advances. The Lumin i4 is suitable for viewing a range of pathogens including those indicative of respiratory diseases, autoimmune diseases such as lupus and arthritis, celiac disease, tuberculosis, malaria, and for use in the fields of rheumatology, pathology, gynecology, and nephrology.
The Lumin epifluorescence module converts the standard i4 microscope to a fully functional epifluorescence microscope. The resulting images rival those obtained from traditional, expensive epifluorescence systems.
Binocular head, 4-10-40-100x Infinity Plan objectives, Epi module
Excitation: 485 nm
Emission: 510 nm
Excitation cube: FITC standard (other cubes available upon request)
~ Easily switches from brightfield to epifluorescence
~ Uses inexpensive LED technology to eliminate dangerous UV emissions
~ Darkroom is not required
~ Module is U.S.A. designed and manufactured
~ Offers FITC standard excitation spectrum
~ Fits on existing i4 and i5 microscopes
~ Priced to fit most budgets
~ Battery pack available
~ Optional 50x oil objective available for rapid scanning of samples

Some of the benefits of the LED Lumin module over traditional epi-fluorescence are:
No harmful UV emissions
No expensive bulbs to replace
No heat
No dark room required for use
The following link provides additional information from the manufacturer's brochure. Click to open the PDF in a new window or right-click to download it:
LW Lumin i-4 Fluorescence Microscope or copy the following into your browser address window: labequip.com/stock/pictures/n802.pdf
This item ships from United States.
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