OHAUS SHRC0719DG Back and Forth Shaker

Condition: New Brand new item from stock or on order from manufacturer
Stock #:
USD $2517.00
Price valid in USA only and does not include accessories, shipping, and taxes, where applicable.
Dimensions (approx.):
Built-in tray: 11 x 13" (inside)
16.3 x 14 x 5.9 in.H (outside)
Specify 120 or 230 Volts,
Product Description
OHAUS Reciprocating Shakers are designed for a range of applications including cell cultures and extraction procedures that require accurate, repeatable results. Our shakers are microprocessor-controlled to provide consistent, uniform shaking action. The back-and-forth reciprocating motion has a 19 mm stroke length. Permanently lubricated ball bearings & maintenance-free, brushless DC motor provide reliable service and continuous duty operation.

Applications: Chemical Extractions, Blood Sample Mixing, Gel Staining, Cell Cultures, Solubility Studies
Display: Independent LED displays for speed/time allow the operator to view both settings simultaneously
Operation: Detachable 3-wire cord and plug (included)
Communication: N/A
Construction: Cold rolled steel (CRS)
Design Features: Built-in tray (11x13 inch or 28x33 cm) with a non-slip rubber mat (included)

~ Speed Range: 20 to 300rpm
~ Timer: 1 second to 160 hours
~ Stroke: 19mm
~ Maximum Weight Capacity: 15lb
~ Audible Alarm: YES
~ Load Sensor: YES
~ CO2 Environment Safe: YES
~ Overload Protection: YES
~ User Calibration (speed): YES
~ RS-232 Interface: YES
The following link provides additional information from the manufacturer's brochure. Click to open the PDF in a new window or right-click to download it:
OHAUS SHRC0719DG Back and Forth Shaker or copy the following into your browser address window: labequip.com/stock/pictures/n1777.pdf


This item ships from United States.


Built-in tray with a non-slip rubber mat

30400084 Flask Clamp, 10 mL (up to 60)
30400085 Flask Clamp, 25 mL (up to 25)
30400086 Flask Clamp, 50 mL (up to 13)
30400087 Flask Clamp, 125 mL (up to 10)
30400088 Flask Clamp, 250 mL (up to 9)
30400089 Flask Clamp, 500 mL (up to 7)
30400090 1 Liter Erlenmeyer Flask Clamp (up to 4)
30400097 500 mL Media Bottle Clamp (up to 5)
30400098 1000 mL Media Bottle Clamp (up to 2)
30400099 Flask Clamp PVC 125 mL (up to 10)
30400100 Flask Clamp PVC 250 mL (up to 8)
30400101 Flask Clamp PVC 500 mL (up to 5)
30400102 Flask Clamp PVC 1000 mL (up to 2)
30400105 Test Tube Rack 13 mm Pivoting
30400106 Test Tube Rack 16 mm Pivoting
30400107 Test Tube Rack 20 mm Pivoting
30400108 Test Tube Rack 25 mm Pivoting
30400109 Test Tube Rack 30 mm Pivoting
30400114 Micro Tube Rack (up to 2)
30400115 Test Tube Rack 10-13 mm Diameter (up to 2)
30400116 Test Tube Rack 14-16 mm Diameter (up to 2)
30400117 Test Tube Rack 18-20 mm Diameter (up to 2)
30400118 Test Tube Rack 22-25 mm Diameter (up to 2)
30400119 Test Tube Rack For 15 mL Tubes (up to 2)
30400120 Test Tube Rack For 50 mL Tubes (up to 2)
30400104 Clamp Microplate Stainless Steel (up to 4)
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Analytical Instruments / Chemistry lab apparatus
chromatographs, calorimeters, evaporators, fluorometers, hydrogenators, osmometers, polarimeters, spectrophotometers, titrators, meters for pH / conductivity / dissolved solids / ORP ... and much more...

Biology / Microbiology laboratory apparatus
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General Use laboratory apparatus
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Medical / Clinical laboratory apparatus
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Petroleum Products and Biofuel lab apparatus
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Pharmaceutical laboratory apparatus
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Materials Testing / Physical Properties / Metallurgical lab apparatus
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