Phipps & Bird PB 950 (4-place) Flocculation Stirrer

Condition: New Brand new item from stock or on order from manufacturer
Alternate Names:
Jar tester,
Stock #:
USD $3899.00
Price valid in USA only and does not include accessories, shipping, and taxes, where applicable.
Dimensions (approx.):
30 x 12 x 16 in. H (outside)
110 - 240 Volts, 50/60 Hz,
Product Description
Accurate jar testing is one way to help produce the highest quality water possible, as economically as possible. The consistently reproducible results obtained by Phipps & Bird Jar Testers assist water and wastewater treatment plants in determining the optimal dosing for their specific conditions.
The PB-900 Programmable four-Paddle JarTester uses four operator-programmable memory banks that offer virtually unlimited stirring capabilities. Each memory bank may be programmed with paddle speeds from 5 to 300 rpm in 1-rpm increments and run times from 1 second to 59 minutes, 59 seconds in 1-second increments. Turning the stirrer off does not erase the programmed information. The stirrer may be run independently in any one of the memories, continuously at a selected speed or sequentially through the memory banks. Running it in `sequential mode' permits automatic transitioning from a fast mix/short run to a slow mix/long run, or any combination or speeds and times desired to replicate actual plant conditions and operation.
Four stainless steel 1 in. x 3 in. paddles are spaced six inches apart and are adjustable to a maximum depth of nine inches.

The PB-900 comes complete with a fluorescent lamp floc illuminator built into the jar tester base to provide soft, diffused lighting of samples being tested.
The following link provides additional information from the manufacturer's brochure. Click to open the PDF in a new window or right-click to download it:
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This item ships from United States.


Four stainless steel paddles
four standard, round, glass, 1L laboratory beakers

four square, acrylic, 2-liter testing jars
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Biology / Microbiology laboratory apparatus
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Medical / Clinical laboratory apparatus
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Petroleum Products and Biofuel lab apparatus
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Pharmaceutical laboratory apparatus
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Materials Testing / Physical Properties / Metallurgical lab apparatus
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