Precision Systems Osmette Micro-osmette 5004 Freezing Point Osmometer

Condition: New Brand new item from stock or on order from manufacturer
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Dimensions (approx.):
5 in.W x 15 in.D x 10 in.H (outside)
115 Volts, 50/60 Hz,
Product Description
The Micro-Osmette 5004 osmometer is a fully automatic, digital osmometer for determination of low concentration of solutes in biological fluids by the freezing point depression method. Features include:
~ Simple to use - just lower the head to run the test
~ Fast 1 minute tests
~ Narrow profile bench-saver design uses only uses 5 in. of your bench space
~ 0 to 3000 mOsm/kg range
~ Takes 50 µL samples
~ Permits up to 40 routine measurements in one hour
~ Highly reliable, with the fewest moving parts available: 0.5-inch LED readout, which retains the sample answer until the next sample is introduced; operating head automatically rises at end of determination; non-interacting calibration controls
~ Unique triple-point calibration verification; employing latest integrated circuit techniques for low power, consumption and reliability
~ Fast-acting, solid state refrigerator eliminates pumps and bath liquid and has a STAT three-minute initial cool-down
This osmometer comes complete with disposable sample tubes, 100 and 500 mOsm/kg calibration standards, spare temperature probe, 50 µL pipet and tips, test tube rack and an instruction manual.
See link to pdf for more details and available accessories.
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This item ships from United States.
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